Anyone watching High School Musical 2?


What are your thoughts on preteen culture?

Top 10 things to get you fired in Youth Ministry!


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Consulting a Church on Hiring?


If asked to do this, what advice would you give?


VBS, rant and complaining


Heard some of this conversation about someone complaining I was letting Satan win because I wasn't doing VBS this year due to Year Round schools and here is some of my response and further ranting. Thoughts?

Just because you don't do VBS doesn't mean you make Satan win. My daughter starts school July 9th. Most of our Camps are in June so we support our kids to goto camp - for us to have an evening VBS just isn't beneficial or ideal to our situation. I think some people think that being at a "Church" building all the time is what God created us to be ... and it isn't ..I see families and churches get torn apart because of church programs of Sunday Am, PM, Wednesday nite and then something else ... when will we recognize that Church is about Being rather than doing? When will we recognize it isn't about coming to church but being the church?

I guess we try to compete with the world and complain about all the volleyball, softball games, and then make the parents feel guilty because their children are involved in the community trying to be salt and light but weren't at church on Wednesday nite ... I like to know where in the Bible it says though shall be at church 24/7? I'm just getting starting. Of course this makes Satan happy and lets him win because we're making the Church programs be an US versus Them rather than a community of faith.

So why is that churches complain about lacking attendance and that people are letting Satan "Win" when they don't do VBS or Wednesday nite or there are such things going on to conflict with church activities - sports etc.

Is it that we are letting Satan win - when we complain about such? Are programs important and the attendance or the Church?

I'm seeing more and more people complain - oh my youth group is suffering because little Timmy had a ball game tonite or lots of the teens don't come due to Soccer on Wednesday nites or Sundays or when have you.

Maybe it is time to look at your programs - what are their purpose? Do you have too many?

Do you make people feel guilty for not being there?

I've heard tons of complaints and youthworkers making parents feel guilty because their son or daughter was in a certain sport and couldn't be at church all the time? Is the point the church building or Being the Church?



The Lowest Denominator


Hello there Forum friends. It's been a long time since I posted anything here, but I still regurally check on what's thrown up here.

I wanted to share an excerpt a friend of mine (who isn't in ministry) sent me from a post calledWhy I've Given Up On Youth Group:
I've always been frustrated with my youth group and youth groups in general. Am I completely knocking the youth group model of ministry? No. But, I do believe that it too often and too easily becomes a place to entertain. Youth group morphs into a social club disguised verbally as "fellowship time", exclusive cliques form, and God ceases to be the obvious focus. Once this happens, it's terribly difficult for the people deeply invested in the group to acknowledge.
This came from a blog written by a teenager growing up in the Methodist Church. The blog is called Take My Hand and it's author is named Natalie Stadnick. You might think that the post above, and quote in-particular would be discouraging to me. It isn't, but it is still convicting.

This post, and infact her entire blog is a reminder to me that there are young people out there who are capable and desire to have a transformative relationship with God. My struggle when I come in contact with those kids is that I generally feel like they will be ok if I don't end up being as focused on them as other kids who aren't as engaged. So I guess in someways I play to the lowest common denominator in an effort to not alienate those kids who aren't so keen on Jesus. Maybe that should be different. Maybe I should raise the stakes more not less. Perhaps the kids like Natalie have more power to pull those kids up than I ever would by playing down to them. Definitely something I am going to ponder.

The fact that this post came into my life is interesting in light of the fact that his weekend MCOC, Stamford, and Shiloh are co-sponsoring an event called Revolution. We are going to have some great worship time, a Christian illusionist, and a whole host of other activities. It's definitely not a Taize service, but it will be presenting the Gospel of Jesus in a way that kids will soon not forget. But after it's over I will definitely reflect on it through the lens of the post above and see if what we did was in-fact effective in bringing Jesus into the lives of kids.


Top 10 List


So there is debate on Top 10 Youth Workers in the Nation. Some poking fun of it etc.

So who would you have as your top 10?

Me - I'd have probably 93yr old Marie Ward (who has since gone on to be with the Lord) she didn't teach, she didn't drive, she didn't even come to youth group ... there was 2 things I can count on her for: Her pies and her prayers.

Poking out from my little World?


Ever wonder if students get it? In prelude to the previous post (YM is hard Work) - sometimes I wonder if I'm just spinning my wheels.


The hard road is the right road


Last night, our students and I embarked on a journey of newness. I hope it is new to them. I began a series of Wed. night classes using the popular videos from Rob Bell, the Nooma series. It has been a while, since I have viewed any of these vidoes. There is something strangely nerdy and yet drawing about Rob's videos. Anyway, the first video in the series is titled "rain." It has been one of my favorites. I love the part at the end where the dad holds his son close and says, "i love you buddy, where going to make it, dad knows the way home." This phrase means more to me as a parent then it did just out of college, with no children. There is something special that takes place when a father holds a child close and whispers words of encouragment, and the child finds those loving arms to be safe, secure, and strong.

We talked about storms in our lives, and how we will all have them over and over again in our lives, we talked about suffering and how it draws us close to Christ, and how God's power is made perfect in our weaknesses. I thought all in all, it was a good class.

But, having said all that, here are some observations I have about class, and youth ministry in general:

1. we spend all the time preparing lesson, studying, praying and thinking how best to craft our messages to our students, then class starts and one or more kids are more interested in their cell phones and texting a friend than they are listening to your well thought out lesson. This is called a reality check. Not all of our students care, not all of our students hang on every word we say. Actually, there is so much going on around them, that our time together on Wed. night would be better spent if we could capture the essence of their culture, and use it in a positive way. Could we have a class devoted to communicating through text messaging? I don't know if it would work, would it draw more interest? I think a lot of us in youth ministry miss opportunities to connect to our students in meaningful ways. We have to be looking for bridges all the time, to help connect the reality of gospel with their reality of selfishness and materialism.

2. Youth ministry is hard work. I think I have already alluded to this above, but working with youth and families is hard work. It is never ending. Sometimes, it is hard to see any headway, and we can't define success on big numbers, big budgets or big buildings. I think culturally where we are is at a place where autheniticity and experience are hugely important not only for our students but also for our parents. However, some of the experiential things are kids may go for, their parents may not like it, and certainly the older generations wouldn't buy into it either. But, there remains the fact that the emerging generations are wanting real experiences of God, and not just a 45 minute lecture in a class. In addition to being a chaffeur at times, and a janitor, we must also be architects, looking for ways to build authentic encounters of God into our youth ministries. I don't think this happens over night, I think it is something we must stumble into haphazardly even for some of us. But, nonetheless, looking for ways to allow our kids to experience the truths of Scripture and the presence of God with all of their senses is more and more important these days. With our postmodern culture, and a general decline in people's general acceptance of the Bible as the sole truth, and seeing Christians as biggoted, hypocritical, hate mongering followers of God, and protectors of an institution of power and politics it is vastly important that we win back what it means to followers of Jesus Christ. The essential element of discipleship for all time and all believers is love for God and neighbor (stranger). We can't loose sight of the fact that we are called to be selfless, humble, reverant, aliens and redeemed people. When we lose sight of the radical call to abandon self and follow Jesus, and we loose ourselves in institutional politics we will loose a voice in our culture, and we certainly have a lot of ground to recover in our world today.

3. Youth Ministry is worth it. Hard work aside, the thrill of working with emerging generations is invigorating. With all the muck of postmodernity, we are working with generations of students that are hopeful, that want to be active in their communities and globally. We need to be tapping into this interest and harnessing it for the good of the world. Youth Ministry in a nut shell is summed up in the parable of the sowers. The important point in the story, at least in my mind this morning, is that the seeds are being planted. Some of that which is planted may never produce a crop, for the seed that does, watch out and be amazed. So, wherever you are this morning and whatever flavor of church you find yourself in, don't give up youth work. It is worth it. For many students, we are the only Jesus they will see and experience, and who knows the full impact of what their futures hold and the lives they will touch because your influence. God bless you brothers and sisters!

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