Life Outside of the church

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Just a question:

Do you have an increasingly difficult time getting away from church things and church people to spend time with your family, your spouse, significant other, or family? If so, let's talk about how we can minister effectively and then also be available for the other important relationships in our lives.


4 Responses to “Life Outside of the church”

  1. Blogger CL 

    I have totally had an issue with this, for some reason, I can't seem to even take one day a week off. I am not sure why it is such an issue. My wife is realy cool about this and with her not working summers she gets to do a lot of stuff with us. One thing that has been difficult though is the fact that my daughter Hayden is only eight months old and sometimes I miss time with her. This is something I have got to get in check really soon. Our church is a new congergation so I know that is part of the problem, but I have always done this. I would love to hear how others are making their family more of a priority, as well as taking more personal time.

  2. Blogger Jason Retherford 


    Thank you for taking the time to share your struggle. I am right there with you brother. I have a 13 month old daughter and I would love to spend more time at home. I know for me, there is a feeling of "there's always more to do." Whether it be read another book, call a teen, visitation, or something, there always seems to be this nagging pull to stay busy. I don't know about you, but sometimes even, I get so busy that I don't spend any time in the Word or in prayer. I am sure I am not the only one who has done this (I hope!). So again, there in lies the challenge...How do we spend more time at home. My wife is supportive too, but Monday's are my day off, and unless there is an emergency she helps me honor that day. Of course there have been a few times where I don't always rest like I should, but for the most part, I think it's just a matter of declaring one day a week at least, and taking measures to guard that time. An older brother in the church once said to me that my most important ministry is to my family. I try to honor that advice, but I have room to grow!

    What church do you serve at Chris?

  3. Blogger CL 

    I serve at the Port City church in Mobile, AL.

  4. Blogger CL 


    You really need to be careful with your situation as far as your time off goes. I was just remembering when I first started here in Mobile, my wife stayed behind for two months while she found a job here and sold our old house. At first I thought this is great, no wife to worry about (we didn't have kids yet) plenty of time to do whatever I want. WRONG! I found myself working well over 80 hours a week, just because I could. It messed me up in a big way, because when my wife finally got in to town, it was hard for me to change that style of working and hard for me not to just keep going, it also leads people in the church to think you are some kind of Superman or something because all you do is work. Forunately now, my wife makes me come home and spend time with her and now I just try and spend an hour or two in the mornings with my daughter, although it isn't enough. It is better than it was. The point - be careful, give yourself a chance to enjoy what you do and remember who you do it for and why you do it.

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