Inspiration Vs. Manipulation

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"The Inspiration of Matthew" - Carvaggio

How do you discern between something that is manipulative or inspirational? Do you find that distinction to be a fine line? What are some of the most inspirational moments you have witnessed in Youth Ministry, and what have been the most manipulative?

1 Responses to “Inspiration Vs. Manipulation”

  1. Blogger Bryan 

    Sometimes the difference is pretty obvious, especially when verses start getting taken out of context and the speaker starts putting a lot of pressure on kids. But for myself, I find it to be a fine line. As a leader, you want to convince kids that following God is a good thing, and sometimes it is hard to tell if the emotional stories we tell are there to encourage them or manipulate them into a state of emotional vulnerability. I think this is something we all have to be conscious of as leaders. We can encourage kids and challenge them, but at the end of the day we need to let the Holy Spirit be the Holy Spirit.

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