Dealing with the sin in our own lives...

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Why is it easy to tell a student that after he/she blew it that God will unconditionally forgive them? But, when we screw up, why is it harder for us to accept our own advice?

3 Responses to “Dealing with the sin in our own lives...”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    We're our worst critic, we can have more compassion for others but when it comes to our own sin/iniquity we tend to think as though because we should know better and we failed. The point is, yes we did fail, but the next time pass the test! Christ is trying to show us our weakness so we can be strong in those areas and be an overcomer. That why he hasn't chose to take us to glory, yet. We are on a journey and we need to learn so we can hear the trumpet sound and Christ will say "Well done thy good and faithful servant! Ah what wonderful words to hear, get ready for your home that awaits you :)

  2. Blogger Gerrard Fess 

    Ah, the whole Messy Spirituality. Too often we'd like to think our pride and ego are in touch with each other. Our own self righteousness gets in the way. Knowing, as teachers, we are to be judged more strictly. The only thing about goofy youthworkers is older youthworkers who know they mess up and thankful for forgiveness and Grace.

    Welcome to the world of youth ministry - where No one is perfect and God is in control.

  3. Blogger Jason Retherford 

    Anon., and Gman:

    Thanks for contributing to this discussion. I think as we open our hearts and share, we all can begin to heal.

    Grace really is amazing, and the longer I walk with Jesus, I really do believe that spirituality is messy.

    I only pray that as I learn and walk, and fail and grow and try again that I wil learn to fail forward.

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