Dare to Dance with a Cat

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Yesterday I did it. I danced with my cat. His name is Pepe. It was a fast song ...by some group named the Supertones. Anyways, I picked him up and we danced. Not really good and not really too fast. But do know know what happens when you dance with a cat?
Yesterday, I found out quick. It wasn't the pain, nor the clawing that got me. It was the shock. Here I had a peaceful loving pet; and suddenly ...without warning I was toast or rather a scratching post. Will I do it again? Probably not for some time. But some of us would dare to.

Now I got thinking that is how it is with us in our lives. Something looks good, but actually is bad for us. We dance with it; thinking it. (Let's call it by its name ....now Sin). would not harm us. But soon there is the shock, the pain, and the wanting to do it again. So easy to dance with sin than it is with God isn't it? Sometimes in the midst of my own sinfulness I forget.

Dancing with a cat, how silly is that? It's as silly as dancing with sin, but a lot of people are doing that too.

2 Responses to “Dare to Dance with a Cat”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    man, thats a great little piece that drives the point home simply but powerfully. thanks for sharing.

  2. Blogger CL 

    Definitely a great post!

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